When Mary Magdalene appears to us, we are invited to attune to the full breadth of the feminine mysteries that are rooted in the magick of the earth and in women’s bodies, particularly the sacred womb. This is a power that heals the divide. That consecrates and initiates. That brings the force of life to places that have been laying dormant. That creates worlds and new paradigms…
Saint Magdalene is an iconic figure who represents the power that dwells behind the known, rational world that we experience in surface level reality. In this way, she is indeed a priestess who embodies the mystery that enchants this world with magick and meaning. Reclaiming what “darkness” means, her teachings ask us not to see it as light’s opposite, connoting darkness as an enemy of light, but to understand it more as the womb that gives birth to the light; the magickal container that is the original creator and nurturer of life itself.
In this way, we may recognize how the feminine principle, representing the unconscious, emotional body, and the soul itself, holds space for the masculine forces in this world, representing the conscious, rational mind, and the spirit.
This visual talisman is intended to invoke the spirit of Mary Magdalene, promoting a rejuvenation of the Sacral Chakra, a deeper understanding of the intimate interplay between the light and the dark, the feminine and masculine, and to remind us all of our own inner Priestess within who is determined to heal the divide.
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