As the Egyptian psychopomp, Osiris delivers souls to the underworld. He faces forwards with his head turned backwards, holding the sacred Ankh, the Key of Life. Osiris knows that the key to a life well lived, and a death well received, is to reverently re-member one’s past while moving towards one’s Will in the future…
The Great Pyramids, a symbol of ascension and associated with both the Earth element and the Crown chakra, come into perfect alignment with all 7 planets. This alignment leads to a divine moment of clarity. As the Sun, which also represents the refined Spirit, is drawn into Matter, the Pyramid, a full spectrum rainbow, a symbol of wholeness and unity, becomes visible.
This is reflective of the alchemical phrase of “fixing the volatile” that leads to the Philosopher’s Stone, or the Self in Jungian terms. In this image, the Philosopher’s Stone is represented by the Sun itself being held up by the scarab, a symbol of resurrection and renewal.
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