Showing 1–3 of 5 results
Showing 1–3 of 5 results
Invoking the Great Mother This piece illustrates the spirit of the Great Mother being invoked in ceremony… The subject is a woman who is about to enter a transformative journey, where she cannot take with her what has in the past kept her safe. She must submerge herself into the journey naked, free of any […]
Mandala to Hecate This piece is an ode to Hecate, queen of the night. Hecate is an ancient Greek triple goddess, along with Persephone and Demeter. As the torch bearer, she leads people through their underworld journey, the dark realms of the unknown and unseen, to illuminate where transformation is going to take place and […]
“Persephone’s dream” This piece infuses imagery of Scorpio, represented by the eagle, and the story of Persephone, represented by the pomegranate tree and the figure descending through it into the underworld. Where the face of death, death of the ego and/or of the physical realm, is seemingly dark, we descend even further to find rare […]
Find out more about my artistic roots and process through this beautifully curated “Divinely Inspired” interview by the lovely Brandy Rachelle!
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