Showing 1–3 of 17 results
Showing 1–3 of 17 results
“Capricorn’s World” This piece is a journey to our highest purpose, with Capricorn the mountain goat (Saturn’s ruling sign) dancing his way to greater heights with drive and intention. This painting was inspired by The World Tarot card (symbolized by all four elements in the corners of the piece), Saturn, the Zodiac sign of Capricorn, […]
Gemini Duality honors duality through rich symbology. This piece focuses on the archetype of the Twins who represent the two hemispheres of the brain, the light and the shadow, the yin and yang, and the magic that transpires when these polarities unite. It is a harmony of the masculine and feminine, which is also representative […]
This piece is an ode to Hecate, queen of the night and goddess of witchcraft . Hecate is an ancient Greek triple goddess, along with Persephone and Demeter. As the torch bearer, she leads people through their underworld journey, the dark realms of the unknown and unseen, to illuminate where transformation is going to take […]
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