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Showing all 3 results
Gemini Duality honors duality through rich symbology. This piece focuses on the archetype of the Twins who represent the two hemispheres of the brain, the light and the shadow, the yin and yang, and the magic that transpires when these polarities unite. It is a harmony of the masculine and feminine, which is also representative […]
Mercury Ritual Magick Set Mercury helps us to bridge the seen and unseen, making them an especially powerful force in teaching us how to catalyze great shifts in the unconscious. By building a strong relationship with Mercury, ruler of the mind through their realms of communication, commerce, travel, technology, language and magic, we build a […]
Ode to Mercury altar card is a 3.5×7.5 in. print Mercury, corresponding to the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, is the divine messenger between worlds. He is the ruler of the Air element which relates to communication, travel, commerce, writing and technology. In short, they are a magician of the mind. Their […]
Find out more about my artistic roots and process through this beautifully curated “Divinely Inspired” interview by the lovely Brandy Rachelle!
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