Showing 1–3 of 10 results
Showing 1–3 of 10 results
This piece illustrates the the necessity of a unified Will, bridging the conscious and unconscious, the inner feminine and the inner masculine, the light and the dark aspects of ourselves, in order to follow our authentic Will in life. The creation spirit of fire is here to illuminate where we are vulnerable in order to […]
“Mother of Swords” Inspired by the sign of Aquarius and the Star tarot card, the mother of swords is the water bearer, connecting to the elements through her ability to carry other’s emotions without letting them weigh her down. She sheds those watery emotions onto both the land, the material world, and back to their […]
3.5 x 7.5 in. Fine Art Altar print. This image is part of the Celestial Influence Altar Card Set. As the Queen of Pentacles follows Capricorn up the mountain, she reminds him to slow down and soak in all of the beauty surrounding them. While Capricorn admires the magical view, and how far they’ve come, […]
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