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Showing all 3 results
Ode to Aquarius is a 3.5×7.5 in. print Though a fixed air sign living in the clouds, she is the water bearer, connecting to the elements through her ability to carry other’s emotions without letting them effect her personally. She sheds those watery emotions onto both the land, the material world, and back to it’s […]
Ode to Capricorn is a 3.5×7.5 in. print As the Queen of Pentacles follows Capricorn up the mountain, she reminds him to slow down and soak in all of the beauty surrounding them. While Capricorn admires the magical view, and how far they’ve come, he still reflects back on his steps, determining how he might […]
Ode to Pluto is a 3.5×7.5 in. print Pluto is the planet of transformation… One must dissolve in order to be transformed, just as the caterpillar must first liquefy in the chrysalis before metamorphosis is able to occur. But what happens after this alchemical process? The caterpillar is transformed into a stellar butterfly, with a […]
Find out more about my artistic roots and process through this beautifully curated “Divinely Inspired” interview by the lovely Brandy Rachelle!
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