“Cancer Magnolia Mama”
The cardinal water sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and embodies the archetype of the Great Mother. Being the most receptive of the signs, Cancer reminds us of the importance of listening to our intuition, and of remaining open to receiving guidance, protection and wisdom from our ancestors and guides. This sign corresponds to the Chariot tarot card, which signifies forward movement after much deliberation and insight. It is the first move after an epiphany, an action which suggests that a new journey is beginning. Cancer is also the sign most deeply associated with the memory body, which correlates to it’s deep ties with the element of Water. Water has the ability to communicate the energies and impressions it picks up on from it’s environment over time.
This visual talisman is intended to invoke the Great Mother Archetype, the Spirit of Cancer, and the element of Water to your space and sphere to promote protection, intuitive gifts, new journeys, and memory recall.
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