Showing 13–15 of 56 results
Showing 13–15 of 56 results
Alchemical Dissolution is all about dissolving the barriers which stand in the way of shedding light on our shadows… This step in the process of transformation is intimately tied to the Sacral Chakra, the energy center where our creative energy is stored and where it flows from. This is the center that holds the imagination, […]
Distillation “There is a shining point where all lines intersect.” -Joseph Campbell The Mercurial spirit that was born from fermentation now drops through the sieve of clarification to reach a new purity of spirit, represented by the lotus flower. Through the alchemical phase of Distillation, we begin to spiral, finding an overlap between our truth […]
Eclipse Elixir suggests that there is a medicine brewing just for us, during all of our tumultuous life experiences, and that recognizing pleasure in these moments is what activates that medicine. We often get so caught up in the intensities of the moment that our natural inclination towards pleasure becomes eclipsed. This piece suggests, through […]