Showing 1–3 of 4 results
Showing 1–3 of 4 results
The Piscean fish swim in the reflective light of the unconscious realm represented by the Moon. They dissolve the barriers between the above and the below, the soul and the spirit, the body and the mind, the emotions and the intellect. They are the a symbol of the liminal space in between, where magick unfolds […]
Egyptian Goddess, Isis, embodies the Great Mother archetype, ruling over healing, protection and magick. She is the original witch and alchemist. Stemming from her role in the legendary myth of Osiris’ death and dismemberment, Isis is the principal deity in rites connected to the dead, often invoked on behalf of the sick and the dead […]
Dressed in her traditional red and gold saree, a symbol of spiritual prosperity, Lakshmi ascends from the Milky Ocean. She stands atop a lotus flower signifying enlightenment and the purity of spirit that she brings forth from the murky waters of the collective unconscious. Behind her is the moon, waxing full, and emanating a divine […]
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