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Showing all 3 results
Alchemical Dissolution is all about dissolving the barriers which stand in the way of shedding light on our shadows… This step in the process of transformation is intimately tied to the Sacral Chakra, the energy center where our creative energy is stored and where it flows from. This is the center that holds the imagination, […]
The myth of the Selkie is a beautiful portrayal of the wild soul following the calling to remember and to return home… What does it really mean to be called? It is an invitation to follow the echoes of the primordial well that sit just below the navel, the womb, the sacral chakra, where the […]
The phases of the Moon represent the phases of one’s intuitive sense rising and falling, waxing and waning, within her cycles. As the Moon reaches fullness, the higher functions become more accessible, enabling us to pierce through the veil of separation and connect even more tangibly to the waters of memory. A crystal ball sitting […]
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