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Showing all 3 results
In alchemical Fermentation, one rises to their highest potential, but something must die or be sacrificed in order to get there. This is illustrated by the death and resurrection of the grape in order to create fine wine. This process can only happen in the deep mystery of absolute darkness. Like rotting grapes fermenting in […]
This piece illustrates the spirit of the Great Mother being invoked in ceremony… The subject is a woman who is about to enter a transformative journey, where she cannot take with her what has in the past kept her safe. She must submerge herself into the journey naked, free of any attachments, previously held notions, […]
Egyptian Goddess Ma’at carries the ancient seven Principles of Truth, Balance, Order, Harmony, Reciprocity, Propriety, and Justice, into being. During the times of Egypt’s greatest spiritual heights, life was to be lived in such a way that these principles guided all actions and relationships. The ancient myth tells us that every Egyptian’s fate was determined […]