The Healer as an archetype stands to make one whole. Like the great shamans of the world, the role of the healer is to transmit the medicine from the above to the below, and from the below to the above…
To become whole like a sacred circle, an intimate embrace must take place between the opposites within the subject at hand. This implies conscious exploration of the inner underworld, while simultaneously directing the greatest quality of compassion, understanding and love to those underworld places inside.
It is one thing to explore the shadow, and an other thing entirely to give your love and unconditional acceptance to what you find there, as if you were guiding an innocent child through the dark. This is the healer’s role…
And in fact, when we do create the conditions for this kind of Union to transpire, we are actively creating a sacred third thing, much like creating a child…
This is illustrated by the healers hands encouraging the Sun and the Moon to have a loving embrace. This Union of opposites is what creates the Cosmic Egg, also known as the Orphic Egg, which symbolizes the seed of the universe. It holds every possible potential. It is the original substance.
This sacred third thing, is something that one doesn’t even know they needed until they have it, and realize that it is in perfect alignment with the truth of who they are…
Sometimes the truth of who we are isn’t the perfect vision that we have for ourselves, but something much more vast and much more complex, and it will always contain an element of both darkness and light.
We are all an expression of the divine making love to the earth, and in this way, we are all an expression of the highest conjunction. Of two lovers coming together in a moment of holy unity, as it is in this unity that all life is created.
This means that we are all sacred bridges between spirit and matter, and that we ourselves are always standing before the Axis Mundi.
Much like the trees, which are the traditional symbol for the Axis Mundi, we are rooted and we are rising. We are shedding and we are growing. We are living and we are dying. We are breathing in and out.
We are an expression of the Union of opposites…
It is this precise wisdom that is the “key of life”, represented by the Ankh above and below. The healer attunes to and facilitates this wisdom so that the sacred third thing, which leads to wholeness through Union and complete integration, unfolds.
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