Showing 1–3 of 5 results
Showing 1–3 of 5 results
The Healer as an archetype stands to make one whole. Like the great shamans of the world, the role of the healer is to transmit the medicine from the above to the below, and from the below to the above… To become whole like a sacred circle, an intimate embrace must take place between the […]
Egyptian Goddess, Isis, embodies the Great Mother archetype, ruling over healing, protection and magick. She is the original witch and alchemist. Stemming from her role in the legendary myth of Osiris’ death and dismemberment, Isis is the principal deity in rites connected to the dead, often invoked on behalf of the sick and the dead […]
Egyptian Goddess Ma’at carries the ancient seven Principles of Truth, Balance, Order, Harmony, Reciprocity, Propriety, and Justice, into being. During the times of Egypt’s greatest spiritual heights, life was to be lived in such a way that these principles guided all actions and relationships. The ancient myth tells us that every Egyptian’s fate was determined […]
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