Showing 10–12 of 20 results
Showing 10–12 of 20 results
5×7 in. Fine Art Altar Print The Lion’s Gate portal is open from July 26 to August 12, but most active on August 8 (8/8). This occurs when the bright blue fixed star, Sirius, perfectly aligns with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. When this connects with the Sun in Leo, it […]
This piece is an illustrates the power to transform through the spirited lens of Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter. Drawing from the imagery of alchemical transformation, the red and white tinctures combining represents the unification of opposites, resulting in spiritual liberation. The buck’s front feet lean into the watery subconscious, and their back feet […]
From the centered heart space of Leo, all of the hidden corners of the Self are ready to be illuminated and brought to conscious awareness… It takes tremendous strength and courage to explore the inner world, and even more so to fully embrace every part of ourselves, particularly those parts that we may be ashamed […]
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