Weaving corresponding symbols together magnifies their power. This is what gives my work it’s unique ability to invoke the archetype, deity, or energy you desire to work with on your journey towards greater integration and wholeness.
These visual talismans are specifically designed to attune us to our divinity, and to entities that are agents for healing, guidance, transformation and support.
Each visual talisman order is accompanied by an in depth, heartfelt and poetically written description of the concept behind the image and it’s symbolic significance. Enjoy!
These visual talismans are specifically designed to attune us to our divinity, and to entities that are agents for healing, guidance, transformation and support.
Each print order is accompanied by an in depth, heartfelt and poetically written description of the concept behind the image and it’s symbolic
My hope is that you will be inspired to go deeper into your ritual space
with these spells of image, inviting their symbols to gracefully enter
your subconscious and promote greater healing, guidance and support
wherever you are on your life’s journey.
Weaving corresponding symbols together magnifies their power. This is what gives my work it’s unique ability to invoke the archetype, deity, or energy you desire to work with on your journey towards greater integration and wholeness.
May these spells of image inspire you to go deeper into your ritual space, inviting their symbols to gracefully enter your subconscious to promote greater healing, guidance and support wherever you are on your life’s journey.
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